Memories of Spain Box



Whether you grew up in Spain and now live in the United States, or went to visit and now look back on your beautiful experience, we know many are filled with fond memories of Spain -- in particular, of its gastronomy! 

We've built a gift box that will transport any Spain lover back to their experience in Spain. Filled with some of the countries most iconic brands and foods, you'll get a taste of Spanish nostalgia with every bite. 

What's Included: 

  • Original Hot Chocolate Poweder Mix - Colacao - 400g
  • Turrón Alicante Almond Brittle Bar -  1880- 150g
  • Cinco Jotas (5Js) Paleta Ibérico Pre-Sliced - 2oz
  • Chorizo Ibérico de Cebo Pre-Sliced - Fermín - 2oz
  • Marcona Almonds, Fried & Salted - 0.3lb
  • Manzanilla Olives with Anchovy Low Sodium - La Española - 130g
  • Spanish Omelet Mix with Onions - Dantza - 660g
  • Original Sweet Olive Oil Tortas - Ines Rosales - 180g

Please note: Gift box as shown while supplies last. If item(s) are out of stock at the time of your order, we will replace item(s) with one(s) of equal value.

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